Adding is quite straightforward, however adding it when the project is already in advanced state is not that simple as you have to send each exception to According to some different posts, it’s simply not possible. However I came up with something that might work for you as well.

The setup

This particular project is a REST API, where ResponseStatusException are thrown in case something goes wrong. Next is an example:

throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.CONFLICT, "not eligable");

Out of the box, Spring Boot transforms these exception to a proper response.

It is important that ResponseStatusException is used consistenly in your REST controllers when things go south.

The Workaround

Exceptions can be handled with the very aptly named @ExceptionHandler and @ControllerAdvice annotations.

  • @ControllerAdvice is an AOP annotation making sure that this code in interweaved with the controllers
  • @ExceptionHandler works as a listener/subscriber. You provide the exception it will handle (in this example ResponseStatusException ) and the annotated method acts on it (hence the method has a ResponseStatusException parameter)
public class SentryExceptionHandler {
    protected ResponseEntity<String> handleException(ResponseStatusException ex) {
        Sentry.captureException(ex);// send to sentry
        return ResponseEntity

Once we act on the ResponseStatusException , we still need to create a response with the same status code and reason as the incoming ResponseStatusException. While checking the @ExceptionHandler Javadocs,I learned the method handling the exception can return a ResponseEntity which is ideal for passing along the status code and the message.